So you are considering heading out on your first multi-day bush walk? Or perhaps you have done a long distance walk before but it has been a while and you want to refresh your knowledge.
Here are 5 simple tips to make the experience that much more pleasurable 1. Pack light One of the most common errors made by first-time hikers is carrying too much stuff in your backpack that you do not really need. These may be items such as heavy books, appearance items such as hairbrushes, chairs or excessive amounts of clothing. There are multitude of pack checklists available freely on the internet these days. The important thing is to choose a list that suits the conditions you will be hiking in, whether it is desert sun or coastal rain, and stick it to it. Do not add more. Remember, on a multi-day hike, you are going to get dirty and smelly. You have to just live with it and remember that it is not date-night.
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September 2023